$347.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R.Y Group Programme

**Special Early Bird Price**

Normal Price $497.00 x 3

Early Bird Price $347.00 x 3

It's time to begin your journey of self DISCOVERY.

You're finally ready to stand fully in your power! You are ready to truly DISCOVER who you want to be and all you wish to create in this next chapter.

Sign up for this Positive Psychology Group Coaching Program with Lora for a transformational 9-session experience (as well as additional assignments to amplify your results and extra support between sessions).

Each bi-weekly session will be within a community of like-minded, heart centred women who together will create a safe, supportive space ensuring the perfect environment  for your personal and professional journey. 


What People Are Saying:

Because of a lack of structure, courage, and clarity, I failed to show-up fully in my life and stand in my power. With Lora’s guidance and authentic honest coaching, all areas of my life, both personal and professional have turned around and I am now so much more grounded and better at living my best life day to day!

Erin, Canada

Unlike some coaches who use a cookie cutter approach with their clients, Lora takes the time to understand who she is dealing with and creates a very personal program that is flexible yet allows for accountability. I find her compassionate, energetic and very resourceful. Working with Lora has been the best decision I made in a long time. I feel transformed, grounded and have more clarity about how I want my life to move forward and how I show up in the world. Thank you Lora.

Maria, Canada

In my experiences with Lora, I have gained a coach, a confidant, a thought partner, a challenger, a bringer of joy, perspective and hope. She's a coach, with super powers, who shows you ways to process superpowers of your own. Work with Lora and enjoy the self-discovery journey she brings you on to unleash your impact as the best version of yourself in all facets of your life. Lora will leave permanent imprints in your life and challenge you to see new things and be better, both boldly and quietly. I'm thankful I listened to my heart and sought her expertise and light.

Courtney, USA

Group coaching has allowed me to open up about the challenges my business has been facing during these difficult times and to understand the opportunities in front of me in order to pivot and transform my business. Lora has a way of coaching that allows you to dig deep and come to realisations and solutions without going as far as telling you what directions you 'should' be moving in.

Sharon, UK